
The Hokann region is a fanon region. The series Pokemon Chronicles takes place here. It is basically an enormous island. The whole region is a mountain, making it hard to navigate, but Hokann is an attraction for hikers. So, instead of calling it the Hokann region, many Trainers call it "Hokann Mountain". The weather in the inner part of the region is cold, while the weather in the outer edges of the region are nice and warm. At the peak of Hokann's mountain is the headquarters for the Hokann Pokémon League.


Cities, Towns, Routes, & Landmarks

  • Littletree Town
    • Route 1
  • ??? Town
    • Route 2
  • Mountainpath Town (soon to be renamed: "Mountainpath City")
    • Route 3
    • Mountain Cave Passage
  • ??? City
    • Route 4
  • ??? Town
    • Route 5
    • Route 6
    • Mountain Cave Hall
  • ??? City
    • Route 7
  • ??? City
  • ??? Town

More to come!


Many Trainers go to this region because nearly every kind of Pokémon lives there.

Gym Leaders



??? City Leader - Mary

Uses the Normal type. Gives out the Regular Badge when defeated in a Gym battle.

RattataFemaleSprite SkittySprite BunearySprite
Rattata Skitty Buneary

Normal Normal Normal

??? City Leader - Blazma

Uses the Fire type. Gives out the Blaze Badge when defeated in a Gym battle.

TepigSprite GrowlitheSprite MagbySprite
Tepig Growlithe Magby[[bulbapedia:{{{1}}} (move)|{{{1}}}]]
Fire Fire Fire

??? City Leader - Rosy

Uses the Grass type. Gives out the Flower Badge when defeated in a Gym battle.

TurtwigSprite CacneaSprite WeepinbellSprite
Turtwig[[bulbapedia:{{{1}}} (move)|{{{1}}}]] Cacnea Weepinbell

Grass Grass Grass Poison

??? City Leader - Colton

Uses the Ice type. Gives out the Glacier Badge when defeated in a Gym battle.

KumasyunSprite SneaselMaleSprite FroslassSprite
Kumasyun[[bulbapedia:{{{1}}} (move)|{{{1}}}]] Sneasel[[bulbapedia:{{{1}}} (move)|{{{1}}}]] Froslass

Ice Dark Ice Ice Ghost

??? City Leader - Hunter

Uses the Dark type. Gives out the Shadow Badge when defeated in a Gym battle.

MightyenaSprite ZoroarkSprite
Mightyena[[bulbapedia:{{{1}}} (move)|{{{1}}}]] Zoroark[[bulbapedia:{{{1}}} (move)|{{{1}}}]]
Dark Dark

??? City Leader - Toxas

Uses the Poison type. Gives out the Toxic Badge when defeated in a Gym battle.

GolbatMaleSprite SeviperSprite ToxicroakMaleSprite DrapionSprite
Golbat[[bulbapedia:{{{1}}} (move)|{{{1}}}]] Seviper[[bulbapedia:{{{1}}} (move)|{{{1}}}]] Toxicroak[[bulbapedia:{{{1}}} (move)|{{{1}}}]] Drapion[[bulbapedia:{{{1}}} (move)|{{{1}}}]]
Poison Flying Poison Poison Fighting Poison Dark

??? City Leader - Sandy

Uses the Ground type. Gives out the Desert Badge when defeated in a Gym battle.

NidoqueenSprite HippowdonMaleSprite DoryuzuSprite
Nidoqueen Hippowdon[[bulbapedia:{{{1}}} (move)|{{{1}}}]] Doryuzu

Poison Ground Ground Ground Steel

??? City Leader - Skyler

Uses the Flying type. Gives out the Sky Badge when defeated in a Gym battle.

PidgeottoSprite SwellowSprite KenhorouMaleSprite StaraptorFemaleSprite
Pidgeotto[[bulbapedia:{{{1}}} (move)|{{{1}}}]] Swellow[[bulbapedia:{{{1}}} (move)|{{{1}}}]] Kenhorou[[bulbapedia:{{{1}}} (move)|{{{1}}}]] Staraptor

Normal Flying Normal Flying Normal Flying Normal Flying

Elite Four & Champion



#1.: Bolt

Uses the Electric type.

RaichuMaleSprite AmpharosSprite ManectricSprite ZeburaikaSprite ElectivireSprite
Raichu[[bulbapedia:{{{1}}} (move)|{{{1}}}]] Ampharos[[bulbapedia:{{{1}}} (move)|{{{1}}}]] Manectric[[bulbapedia:{{{1}}} (move)|{{{1}}}]] Zeburaika[[bulbapedia:{{{1}}} (move)|{{{1}}}]] Electivire[[bulbapedia:{{{1}}} (move)|{{{1}}}]]
Electric Electric Electric Electric Electric

#2.: Rebecca

Uses the Psychic type.

File:XatuFemaleSprite.png File:HypnoFemaleSprite.png GardevoirSprite File:MusharnaSprite.png GalladeSprite
Xatu Hypno Gardevoir Musharna Gallade[[bulbapedia:{{{1}}} (move)|{{{1}}}]]
Psychic Flying Psychic Psychic Psychic Psychic Fighting

#3.: Boulder

Uses the Rock type.

File:CorsolaSprite.png File:GolemSprite.png File:GigaiathSprite.png File:RampardosSprite.png File:AggronSprite.png
Corsola[[bulbapedia:{{{1}}} (move)|{{{1}}}]] Golem[[bulbapedia:{{{1}}} (move)|{{{1}}}]] Gigaiath[[bulbapedia:{{{1}}} (move)|{{{1}}}]] Rampardos[[bulbapedia:{{{1}}} (move)|{{{1}}}]] Aggron[[bulbapedia:{{{1}}} (move)|{{{1}}}]]
Water Rock Rock Ground Rock Rock Steel Rock

#4.: Drac

Uses the Dragon type.

Champion: ???

Uses a variety of types.
