
This is a list of Pokémon in the order dictated by the Junnin Regional Pokédex, meaning that the starter Pokémon from Junnin will appear first, followed by Pokémon native to the Junnin region.

Most Pokémon not native to the Junnin region also have a Junnin Dex number greater than 202; these numbers are not usually displayed by either the game or official sources, therefore, they are not listed here.

==List of Pokémon by Junnin Dex number==

#001 Eucuwala - #046 Tarzorus

# Name Type
001 Eucuwala Grass
002 Gulacuff Grass/Fighting
003 Timberawl Grass/Fighting
004 Kindlemur Fire
005 Burmurly Fire
006 Merculey Fire
007 Dimetrus Water
008 Permidon Water/Dark
009 Lividon Water/Dark
010 Aromutt man Normal
011 Dodorog Normal
012 Aromutt woman Normal
013 Odorog Normal
014 Chiquail Normal/Flying
015 Mavriquail Normal/Flying
016 Reptling Grass/Flying
017 Rapteror Grass/Flying
018 Velosaur Grass/Flying
019 Woolvery Fire
020 Cloakcruel Fire/Dark
021 Smoldrine Fire/Dark
022 Liqueel Water
023 Electeel Water/Electric
024 Emporeel Water/Electric
025 Chinchul Normal
026 Chilleap Normal
027 Jayzul Normal/Flying
028 Jayzure Normal/Flying
029 Dandaseed Grass
030 Dandelie Grass
031 Withereen Grass
032 Hoppiler Bug
033 Cobiworm Bug
034 Hoppereign Bug/Flying
035 Baybolt Electric
036 Bolteen Electric
037 Tuttby Psychic
038 Whiscleo Psychic/Ground
039 Tangulb Grass
040 Sandstrum Ground/Water
041 Sanderon Ground/Water
042 Sperub Water
043 Ploworm Steel/Bug
044 Lubrill Steel/Bug
045 Tarift Rock/Ground
046 Tarzorus Rock/Ground