Some users have requested a place to share friend code info among other game information with others. You can leave friend codes and such below with your user name and any additional information below games. For Pokémon Online, add your frequented server name and trainer name. If your respective game isn't supported yet, just create a new section. Some games that are listed are now unsupported.
Example: Rescue Request: insert wonder mail code here: For Example. Difficulty: Easy
Gen 3[]
Mystery Dungeon[]
Generation 4[]
D/P/P, HG/SS[]
Mystery Dungeon T/D[]
Mystery Dungeon S[]
Generation 5[]
Mystery Dungeon[]
Generation 6[]
Pokémon Online[]
Pokémon Showdown[]
3DS (generic)[]
Universalguardian1003 - 0533 6989 4381
HDMaster- 4639-9412-4335
NegimaLover (aka Liam) - 4872 0476 5426 (Friend Safari type: Normal) (Not sure)
Switch (generic)[]
CheerfulSteekip - SW-6807-4115-6311
NegimaLover - SW-2234-9397-6120