This article, Team HydroShock: The Beginning, was written by Universalguardian1003. Please do not edit this fiction without Universalguardian1003's permission.

"AAh! I can't hold on! The heat is too intense!"

"Yes you can! We can do this!"


Many hours later...

"Uuurrrrgggghhhhh..." There was an uncouncious Squirtle near the edge of the forest. "Wow! Are you OK?" a mysterious yellow and brown mouse with a zigzaggy tail asked. "Uhhh....!!! Its a talking...whatcha callit....!!???" "No, silly! I'm a Pikachu! You should know that!," The Squirtle started fading into uncounciousness again. "No! Don't go back to dreamland! Wake up!" The pikachu gave the squirtle a little jolt of electricity.

Where am I....?
